Friday, June 23, 2023

 Karate of Japan Federation International 

Highlight for the month of a wonderful dojo located in Chicago Ill.

Enso Karate Dojo

        Hello, I wanted to take a moment and highlight a dojo that has been a friend to my dojo and KOJF International in which we made a lifetime Member.  We have been connected since 2003 after meeting in Las Vegas NV while attending the Funakoshi World Cup Tournament. Their performance was noteworthy and outstanding.  More important was their character and behavior which was above and beyond that of followers of Budo.  Their Karate was on point and all the elements of becoming an outstanding dojo in place!

    For over 20 years now I have been visiting and training with the members of this dojo in Chicago and have always found them accommodating, welcoming, warm and inviting.  Theirs is a family dojo of great strength in their bond and supportive of all who train there whether you are a member or not.  They have and are givers of love and passion whether you are a Shotokan karateka or of another style.  What also stands out is their passion for learning and improving on a daily basis.  The two main sensei who are also the owners of Enso Dojo are Jay and Denise Nacu.  5th and 4th Dan respectively.  It is not about the rank but the art to them and when you are in their presence it is apparent.  It is simply, "how can they improve so they can help their students and members improve!"  That is the constant for the past 20 years I have observed.

     They are very active with the AAU organization under Joe Mirza and have fielded some top level competitors nationally, not to mention their son and daughter who are on the national team. Both Mateo and Maile Nacu are world class competitors in their own right!  They are destined to become nationally recognized within a short time. 

     I have consistently annually gone to this wonderful dojo, Enso to enjoy training both in kata and kumite with it's members and have never anything negative at any time to say or share as they are among the most positive karateka I have ever met in my 59 years of practicing karatedo.  They have set the example of true karateka and raised the bar extremely high. There are few dojo I can actually say have such standards and actions I have trained at.  Two others come to mind, New York under Shihan Jackie and Iowa under Mujaga Shihan can I say who have impressed me and shown me the spirit and work ethic of what makes great karateka.  The list is small and I am so very happy and proud that these dojo continue their relationship with KOJF International and myself.  This I speak from experience with their dojo as well as the instructors and students.  If KOJF was only comprised of these three dojo then that would be more than enough.   Fortunately we are larger than that and I am so proud that the members both domestically and foreign have proven to be of high character and standard.  Being able to visit various dojo and share in their training together has been one of the highlights of KOJF International.  Those whose dojo I have yet to visit are still nothing less in my mind than outstanding  as shown by the character of the sensei who have chosen to align with KOJF International.  Knowing and communicating with each one of you has been a treat and one of high integrity.  I hope to visit with many more of you and share simular stories of delight from my visit.  Those of you whom I have yet to personally meet are held in high regard by me and the hombu because you would not be a member or allowed in our fold if you did not live the Budo life.  Today, at this time I wanted to simply share this dojo as I plan to do so with all of you in time.  

     I thank each of you for your membership which makes KOJF International continue now to be recognize globally as one to be heard and respected and with our global presence it gives us connections all over the globe. Anto Dinesh, Shihan, Director of Foreign Affairs, just now is enroute to Maldives to give yet another clinic of Shotokan Karate and Naizam Shihan of India continues to grow our presence in India to nearly a thousand students over several dojo.  Kamihara, Shihan, Senior Technical Advisor in Japan continues to forge relationships and is well known by many karateka and organizations through our central Japan and continues to share his knowledge and advise to us through me with conversations and video feeds of technical knowledge and forging our friendship consistently.  People like Richard Marks, Shihan continues with the teaching and ethical standards becoming of a Samurai in Western Canada as our Senior Technical Advisor in Central Canada does, the legendary Ken Tallack, Hanshi.  In South America we have the continuous support and teachings of Flavio Carvalho, Shihan who leads the way in Brazil. Roger Payne, Hanshi, Judo, Iaido of Great Britain who has been a great friend and source to myself and KOJF in sharing advise above and beyond. Domestically men like Almonte Covington and his sister Monice Covington are strong leaders in the Louisville Kentucky karate community and work very hard to maintain the highest standards of karate therein, Bryan Speakman, Shihan, though a small dojo continues to spread his ideals and morals in the teaching of the art.  Kimio Nelson, Shihan a beacon in his community and such a keeper of the tradition has been a quiet and yet strong member and leader of the true Budo spirit of karatedo in Pennsylvania.  Dan Taylor, Hanshi and Charles Taylor, Shihan(not related) are men of Budo on the West Coast who I look to for advice and friendship and are men of Budo.  There remains many names yet to be shared but these come to mind so quickly.  Others will be shared as we continue to expand and build a stronger larger karate community through KOJF International.  Without you, there is just me and I am only one man.  Together we are KOJF International and you are what makes this work.  Without you, there is no KOJF International so thank you.  That said, if you are ever in Chicago, Ill, do give the Enso dojo a visit and you will be warmly welcomed.  These are people whom you will always remember as some of the best of the best!  Thank you, all of you for your continued efforts to build a strong karate community and friendship.  Domo Arigato Gazaimus!

Dwight Holley, Chairman

KOJF International World Headquarters

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