Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Great film though done by a Shotokan practitioner the film is a nicely done piece to convince the viewer of the importance of making the decision to take of the practice of karate by virtue of the benefits derived.  Enjoy!

Perspectives on Shotokan Karate-do

Returning to light!

Hello Everyone!
      I apologize for the absence but I will be
Continuing this blog for KOJF International
Going forward.  With so many things on my plate I had lost touch with this medium.  I am reinstituting the blog going forward.
Coming: 2018 KOJF Rensei Taikai
Cincinnati Ohio,  KOJF Honbu is sponsoring.
October 5th and 6th. 
Contact honbu for more info:

Humbly here to serve,

Dwight Holley, Chairman KOJF